The Fitchburg Bunnies

On January 25, 2007 HRN took in 34 rabbits from a law enforcement case in Fitchburg MA. We were given only 48 hours to make arrangements and take the rabbits in. They were being housed outdoors and constantly bred. The last few days have been very hectic as we have scrambled to pull in the rabbits, sex them, and get them into temporary housing. To say this is a huge undertaking would be putting it mildly. Luckily, many of the rabbits are young litters. This means that fewer of them have the chance to be pregnant, and many can be housed together, at least temporarily. This buys us time to find placements for the rabbits. We are also scheduling many spays and neuters!
The rabbits are of various breeds, they seem to be friendly. So far we have not noticed any health problems.