HRN Board Roles, Responsibilities, and Application
May 28, 2023

HRN Philosophy

The House Rabbit Network is an organization formed with two primary purposes: to rescue homeless rabbits and find them good indoor homes, and also to educate the public about rabbits and their care. These activities may include:
● providing foster care for discarded domestic rabbits and arranging for adoption to permanent indoor homes;
● assisting humane societies and shelters with rabbits;
● providing spay/neuter surgery and veterinary care through arrangements with area practitioners;
● rehabilitating and socializing mistreated or neglected animals;
● caring for animals who cannot be placed in adoptive homes due to serious health or behavioral problems; and
● educating the public on responsible pet ownership and humane practices.


The Board of Directors of the House Rabbit Network consists of a small group of dedicated
members, led by the President of the Board of Directors. The Board is assisted in its work by its
Officers: President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Members serve renewable one-year terms that begin in June of each year.

As the highest leadership body of the organization and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the board is responsible for

● determining the mission and purposes of HRN
● engaging in strategic and organizational planning
● ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management
● fundraising and resource development
● approving and monitoring the organization’s programs and services
● enhancing the organization’s public image
● assessing its own performance as the governing body of the organization


Each individual board member is expected to
(a) Agree with and support the mission and goals of the House Rabbit Network
(b) Remain aware of HRN’s finances, financial standing, and growth
(c) Give a meaningful personal financial donation
(d) Assist HRN in planning for and meeting its mission
(e) Serve as active advocates and ambassadors for HRN
(f) Prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in quarterly meetings
(g) Take ownership of coordination/planning/executing a relevant program area within HRN
(h) Follow HRN’s bylaws, policies, and board resolutions
(i) Sign an annual conflict-of-interest disclosure and update it during the year if necessary, as well as disclose potential conflicts before meetings and actual conflicts during meetings
(j) Maintain confidentiality about all internal matters of the organization


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