Bunny Love

About a year ago, my six-year-old son began begging for a pet bunny.
Although we have several pets – ranging from dogs to guinea pigs to turtles – I had never considered adding a companion rabbit to our household. I thought bunnies were cute of course, but my knowledge of them was limited. For example, I did not know they could live indoors – I thought they needed to be outside in hutches.
While volunteering in my son’s Kindergarten class last November, I was included in “circle time”. Each child around the circle had to reveal his or her “holiday” wish. When it was my son’s turn, before he could even speak his entire class said in unison “Brad wants a bunny!” My heart melted: I was so moved that all his classmates knew how much he wanted a bunny. I decided it was research time. I discovered the House Rabbit Network online and started reading their literature, as well as the profiles of bunnies available for adoption. There was an adorable bonded pair I decided we would adopt. When I eventually spoke with HRN, I answered their questions as honestly as I could and was looking forward to meeting the bunnies.
On the way to my bunny introduction, I was a little nervous. I realized that I had no idea what to expect. The minute “foster mom” Lorna opened the door my fears subsided. In fact, I wished I were one of her foster bunnies! Caring and loving, her home had an incredibly positive feeling about it. She explained that she wanted me to spend a little time with each bunny because sometimes people become set on a rabbit on the website whose personality may not be a good match. So I went in with an open mind. The two I came to see were running around playing and they were so cute and fluffy that I decided they were definitely coming home with me. Then I looked up, and my heart stopped. There he was, looking at me shyly from his cage, all black and white and adorable. Huge eyes pleaded: “Hi, I am shy, but please try holding me”. Lorna let me know that this was Dorian and let me hold him. I was a goner – I knew he was the one the second he tucked his little head under my arm, all shy. Two years before I had lost my beloved German Shepherd, Reba, and although we have many pets – all of whom I love dearly – I had kept my heart somewhat to myself. I just was too sad. At that moment holding Dorian, however, my heart opened up and I knew we were destined to be together.
Dorian came home with me the week before Christmas and quickly earned the nickname “The Ladies Man”. We look forward to our special time together after the kids have gone to bed and the house is quiet. He watches TV with me and I read while he lies on my lap. Kisses are his specialty. If I am busy and delay coming to get him, he starts thumping very loudly to let me know this is his time. He lets me read only if I continue to pet otherwise the book gets flung by his teeth on the floor.
In April we adopted another beautiful bunny under Lorna’s wonderful foster care. “Dottie” arrived home with us on Easter Weekend. She wasn’t an Easter present, the timing just worked out that way. My daughter and Dottie have become the best of friends. The “ladies” enjoy spending time together reading or just playing ball. As for my son, he loves that we have two bunnies, and even has a “bunny” club going with his friends. I am not sure what they do besides eat, but they are having fun.
My experience with HRN has been an extremely pleasant one. These little bunnies have brought such positive changes in our lives. It feels so good to share my heart again. My advice is that if you have been holding on to a piece of your heart, please consider opening it up to bunny in need of a home – you won’t be sorry.
by Lisa Arrigo