Confessions of a New Bunny “Mom”

June 9, 2006 was a day I will never forget. Not only was it my birthday, but my husband called to tell me that he couldn’t wait to surprise me with a very special gift that was going to make me “flip out”. He made me wait in the living room with my eyes closed until he was ready. Upon opening them, I saw him holding the cutest little caramel-colored baby bunny whose white nose never stopped moving. My husband will never forget that moment, for I cried like a baby and couldn’t even speak. He was not sure if I was crying because I was happy, or sad. My tears were of happiness, but at the same time, I was terrified, since I knew nothing about bunnies and their proper care. I was afraid that I would not be a good bunny mommy.
Before I could even compose myself, my husband told me that he had gone to a local pet store to buy me an aquarium and some fish, but changed his mind when he saw two beautiful baby girl bunnies in a cage. He saw that little white nose and instantly fell in love. He knew I would fall in love too. He was right, and I named our tiny little ball of fur, Binky.
I have been passionate about animals my entire life and love every furry creature. Although I am a member and supporter of local animal organizations and shelters, and I strongly believe in adoption only, I still knew we had to reunite Binky with her sister, so we returned to the pet store for “LuLu”. Our two little girls, the most precious things I had ever seen, were definitely happy being together, once again.
Even though I bought the biggest cage I could find, it never seemed big enough. We placed it on the dining room table so the girls could see and interact with us when we were in the living room. With our busy schedules, and my very jealous Shih Tzu, I was concerned that our active babies were not getting enough playtime outside their cage, so we purchased an exercise pen where we could let them out to play once a day.
While worrying about how to find a bigger cage, and a better spot to keep the bunnies, we noticed that Binky started “bothering” LuLu. Binky was chasing her sibling around, and in some cases, launching attacks on her. LuLu was clearly unhappy with her sister and avoided her. Quickly, we realized that our little Binky was NOT a girl (a common mistake when buying from a pet store), so we had to separate them. Now we had two separate cages on the dining room table. During all of this, our dog got very sick as he kept getting into the debris that fell from the bunnies’ cages. Between trying to find a place to keep the bunnies safe in the house, away from our dog, and having to keep them separated from each other, and now giving them separate play time, I felt more and more discouraged with our situation. I was starting to wonder if this was the best situation for us to be in. Nevertheless, I knew none of this was their fault. It was our inexperience and lack of knowledge that caused us to feel overwhelmed. We needed to be responsible pet parents by doing whatever necessary to give our pets the best possible life. We were determined to make this work!
When I came across HRN’s website, I was thrilled. I did lots of research and learned so much! Shannon, an HRN volunteer, responded promptly to all my questions and concerns that I posted; she was a Godsend. Every week, for months, we corresponded. I had no idea you could (and always should) spay or neuter a rabbit. She told me that it was imperative that I get our bunnies properly sexed and spay/neutered as soon as possible. She also instructed me on proper rabbit diet, rabbit proofing, litterbox training, etc. Along with many other helpful hints and suggestions, she recommended the name of a rabbit savvy veterinarian in the area. Shannon pointed me in all the right directions, helping to make this a happy environment for everyone, furry and human!
After we got Binky and LuLu neutered and spayed, their behavior changed immediately. They seemed to enjoy being petted more. Also, I had noticed their litterbox habits had drastically improved, just as Shannon said they would. Happy and well behaved, once they were fully healed, we reunited them. Realizing that a cage was no place for Binky and Lulu, we turned our guest bedroom into a bunny room. They have been “free range” 24 hours a day in their own bedroom for a year now, and they love it! It looks like a baby’s room: a baby gate in the doorway, lots of toys, fun hideouts, etc. Watching the bond grow between this brother and sister pair as they play, snuggle, eat and sleep, has been amazing. Happy and safe in their own room, they love each other completely, and they definitely are very spoiled.
We are so happy and thrilled that we found HRN! The organization gave us all kinds of helpful hints, great advice, and plenty of support for which we are forever grateful. With lots of love, time, and patience, what at first felt like a confusing and difficult situation, has turned out to be a wonderful and eye opening experience. I have to say, there is nothing funnier than starting my day by walking into LuLu and Binky’s room and being greeted by them performing some of their amazing binky stunts. It is such a wonderful feeling to know they love and trust me enough to immediately smoosh down for me to pat them. I never knew a human could have such an incredible bond with a bunny, and I am thankful we never gave up on our little pair; we would have missed the many joys our furry babies bring to our lives. I love them both so much! I have learned a great deal from them, and I am now a knowledgeable, experienced, happy and very proud bunny “Mommy”!
by Taryn Pettersen