Calvin’s Care Corner

Big Bunny Boxes

Hi Calvin, I’m having a hard time finding a grated litter box large enough for my growing Flemish Giant. He currently has a corner box which goes in his cage really well, but he’s getting too big. This box has a grate for him to sit on and the newspaper and litter goes underneath. I’m worried that if I don’t have a grate like that he will at best make a mess tearing up the paper, and at worst, eat the litter. Do you know of anyone who retails a box like that? Also, I’m a little skeptical about the newspaper. My rabbit is very interested in chewing anything made of paper, but I’m afraid it will hurt him. Does it do them any harm to chew paper?

I would personally get a regular Xlarge cat litter box. Those corner boxes really only work for very small rabbits such as dwarfs that are less than 3 lbs. Most rabbit owners use a thick layer of newspaper and then a nice layer of timothy hay on top of that or wood stove pellets and then the timothy hay on top. One of my bun friends used a grated litter box and that was because he was a very determined “digger”. He would constantly make a mess of his litter box. If you use the timothy hay on top, it’s less likely that your bun will eat the litter under it. Most (if not all) of the newspaper inks made today are not harmful, making newspapers safe to chew.