Calvin’s Care Corner
Curbing Cage Possessiveness

Welcome Back! Calvin here, and I’m pleased to bring you another installment of my new column where I share clever tips for house rabbit caregivers.
Some rabbits resent human hands entering their “domain”, or cage. There are a couple of ways to deal with this, and you will have to figure out which way works for both you and your rabbit.
Rabbits are creatures of habit, so the first rule to remember is: No surprises. When feeding your bun while he is in his cage, get him used to a routine of litter box swapping, watering and filling the food dish. Try putting your hand on top of the bun’s head and pressing his head, gently, to the floor. Then reach in with your other hand to do whatever is necessary. Talk to your bun in a soothing voice and tell him what you are doing, as you are doing it. Consistency is also a key rule. Clean the cage, litter box, refill the water and food bowls in the same order every day. That way your bun will know what to expect next.
Some buns will go ballistic and will need to be out of their cage when you need to get your hands in there. Accept the fact that the bun will simply not tolerate your presence in his home. Give him some time out of his cage while you are messing with his area. When you are done, put some of his favorite veggies in his cage to lure him back in. Again, consistency is the key.
Sometimes you really have to be creative until you and your bun learn to trust one another. Try using a funnel poked through the cage to add pellets and water to his dishes. Try poking clean hay through the top of the cage directly over the litter box. Use your imagination when necessary. Hopefully, with time, consistency, a soft voice, and no surprises, your bun will settle down and accept the fact that you need to put your hands in his cage, and he might even look forward to your loving hands.