Calvin’s Care Corner
New Rabbit Tips

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It’s autumn — a time for the leaves to fall, and for some rabbits the fur to fly due to heavy shedding. Rabbits spend a lot of time grooming themselves, and their partners if they are bonded. There’s a great potential that your rabbit will ingest fur from all those tongue baths. How do you prevent it?
This edition’s care tips are actually coming from two newly-adopted rabbits who are getting used to their new home and parents. They e-mailed me [with some help] with ideas that their folks did to help them acclimate to their new digs.
From Cae: When we moved to this new house I was so excited to go adventuring with my brother Finn. When he ran unafraid from the hall rug to the living room rug, I couldn’t follow him because I was terrified of the hardwood floor area in between. He could even run through the dining room then through the kitchen and back to me and not worry about the flooring! I got left behind, and that made me real sad. So Mom put a huge plank of cardboard down to cover the transition area from the hall rug outwards. I was like Yah, I can walk on cardboard! So I ran after Finn day after day from the hall rug to the living room rug. Then one day I ran out and realized she took away the cardboard, and I was OK on the wood! I was so excited that I ran into the dining room then through the kitchen all by myself. Now I don’t need cardboard to explore with Finn.
From Finn: I am apparently “nosy.” I like to nose everything I come across—sometimes I nudge, sometimes I push things over. Apparently that behavior isn’t always cute. I guess tipping the plastic water bowl over and spilling it everywhere isn’t a good thing. So my dad Krazy Glued a super-huge, heavy metal washer to the underside of the water bowl and put a waterproof pet mat under our bowl to cover the rug. Now when I try to tip it, it’s too much work, so I can only nose it around. They don’t fill it too full, so the spilling has decreased, and I am apparently being A Good Boy.