Calvin’s Care Corner
Water Bottles vs. Crocks

Welcome back readers! Calvin here, and I’ve been asked to respond to that age old question, should rabbits have a crock or a water bottle to drink from?
There are good and bad features to both, so I thought I should explain the difference. Most rabbits will drink from either a crock or a bottle, but there are a few that will only drink from one. If you get your rabbit home and don’t see them drinking within a day, you need to purchase the other type!
any people like having a crock for their rabbits. It is generally believed that most rabbits will drink more from a crock. If you choose to use one, you should get one that is sturdy. Lightweight bowls will easily tip over and spill, which not only makes a mess, but then your rabbit may not have water to drink. If you choose a ceramic crock, keep in mind that lead paint laws that apply to human products do not cover merchandise you purchase for your pet and some countries still use lead paints. You may want to consider purchasing a sturdy ceramic bowl that was made for humans. If you see a crack or a chip, throw the crock out! Some humans don’t like the crocks because it is easy to get the water dirty and because of that they might need to be changed more often. Then there are the rabbits that enjoy throwing their toys into their water dish! The good side is that they are easy to clean and refill.
Bottles are another option. They are easy to hang outside the cage and the water stays pretty clean. You can fill a large bottle which will easily last an entire day. Make sure you purchase one that has a round ball in the tube. Some have a metal stick/prong in the tube that rabbits need to push in with their tongues, and rabbits really don’t like that. Some bottles will leak and they can lose their seal with time, so they need to be replaced more often. They are also more difficult to clean and fill.
Bottom line — both have good and bad features. It is really a matter of personal preference for both your rabbit and for you. Just make sure you clean and refill them every day!