Affiliate Programs

These corporations will donate a portion of their proceeds to HRN!

Bunny Bliss

Need something new to keep your buns entertained? Provide endless entertainment and encourage exploring, climbing, and tunneling with the best-selling Bunny Castle by Bunny Bliss. Use code RN5 at to get 5% off, while 10% of all Bunny Castle proceeds go towards supporting House Rabbit Network!

Bunny Approved

Bunny Approved Logo

Bunny Approved is an online boutique offering unique toys, snacks, and accessories for house rabbits and their humans. Most supplies are imported from Europe and not available anywhere else in the US. Bunny Approved has a large selection of logic toys as well as dried herbs, chew toys, and much more.

Click on this link, and 10% of your purchase will be donated to the House Rabbit Network.


For every visitor that visits the HRN Chewy page and makes a qualifying purchase (first time customer, one per household), we get a donation point worth $20!

Cruelty Free Consumer

Cruelty Free Consumer Logo
Either click on the image, or this link: Cruelty Free Consumer and HRN gets a portion of the sales! Since 2011, the Cruelty Free Consumer has only sold Leaping Bunny Certified Cruelty Free Brands.

Small Pet Select

Small Pet Select Logo
Follow this link to purchase hay, food, and other supplies for your bun at Small Pet Select (or use coupon code RES-HRN at checkout). HRN earns 15% for each new supporter that makes a purchase following our link or using our discount code. New customers receive 15% off their first qualified purchase! In addition, HRN earns 4% on purchases from returning customers.

Support HRN Every time you Search!

Goodsearch LogoGoodsearch is an online search engine that donates a penny to charity for every search. Simply go to their home page, in the second box choose “House Rabbit Network” as your charity, and search as you normally would!

How easy is that? Raise money for HRN doing what you normally do.

Shop On Line Through Igive

iGive LogoiGive offers the ability to shop at many of your favorite stores. If you purchase through iGive, a portion of your sales price will be donated to us! Just register as a user, choose the House Rabbit Network as your charity, and shop at the Gap, Barnes and Noble, Hickory Farms, and many of your other favorites!