House Rabbit Network
Minutes of Board Meeting
April 25, 2020
Online via Zoom
In attendance: Suzanne Trayhan, Amanda Bosh, Dawn Lewis; also in attendance, Jean Player, secretary.
Review of February 1, 2020 Minutes
Suzanne presented the February 1, 2020 minutes.
It was noted to document action items going forward.
Review of April 25, 2020 Report
The board reviewed Suzanne’s quarterly report. Additional updates/ topics of discussion are below.
The creation of an adoption policy during the COVID-19 pandemic is working well. There was concern about returns under current virtual adoption procedures, but so far there has not been a significant difference. There was also concern about making sure that adopters follow through with adoption fees via PayPal and signing and returning adoption contracts.
There have been a couple of bonding adoptions, but no speed dating sessions.
> Suzanne asked Amanda to send an updated blank adoption contract.
For a new fundraising initiative, HRN is partnering with an Etsy seller for bunny tie-dye shirts. $10 per shirt will go to HRN.
There are plans for an Annual Appeal campaign.
The board would like to find someone who is willing to research COVID-19 grants and loans for non-profit organizations, and that are not related to payroll support.
Issues discussed were: large volume of calls and overwhelmed volunteers. There needs to be new volunteers and an online application process to screen people who call and want to adopt.
Lesley created a draft application in MS Word. Amanda suggested a PDF that can be filled in or Google Form as the final version.
> Amanda will talk with Lesley about data export and formatting.
Data Management System Software
There was discussion of possible platforms and costs, including moving current ASM from the HRN domain server to a cloud platform. The board emphasized the need for a solution that can integrate with what we have/what we need.
> Amanda will talk to Suzanne about identifying a new solution.
> Suzanne will work on researching software options.
[RVHD is also known as VHD, or ‘Rabbit Viral Hemorrhagic Disease’.]
There have been reports of RVHD in several states, the closest being New York.
> Suzanne asked Dawn to work on an official statement.
Bunny Hop
The board discussed the possibility of holding the annual summer Bunny Hop at a volunteer’s home if public health advisories deem social gatherings to be safge, but the outlook is doubtful.
> Evaluate status of COVID-19 outbreaks and state advisory in mid-June.
Shelter discussion
Rent and Utilities
Can we go 6 months to a year without the shelter? Careful consideration is needed. The board suggested that we ask the landlord about reducing the rent, explaining decreased fundraising and fostering off-site due to COVID-19 quarantine.
> Suzanne will talk to the landlord.
> Monitor state guidelines on businesses, etc regarding re-opening non-essential activities.
Shelter Manager
The board agreed that we should continue seeking a shelter manager: There are tasks that can be done, and the person could help oversee foster home management.
There is a candidate but he currently holds a full time job. The question is if he is interested in accepting this as a part-time job on top of his current job. We can advertise the position when we feel we are ready. Board also discussed another person who could be short-term.
Is there enough work for both people? (10 hours week each)
> Review finances and determine if we can support this paid position.
> Suzanne will reach out to both out without promising the position, to gauge their interest.
New Board Members
There has been no progress to board recruitment given the current pandemic. The board reiterated skills sought in new board members.
The board agreed that when new shelter volunteers are on board, we should ask if they have certain skills.
Board discussed a candidate. We can encourage this person to apply.
> Amanda will write up board expectations and a board member application, with an application deadline of [sometime around May 10-May 15].
> When ready, send the board member application to HRN email list.
> The board will hold a brief meeting to discuss board applications: May 19, 7pm.
Bunny Cuddle Virtual events
The board agreed the events are a good marketing and fundraising tool and that we should continue doing them when we have volunteers fostering bunny moms and babies.
Next board meetings:
7pm July 21, 2020 Tuesday
October 20, 2020
January 26, 2021
April 27, 2021