HRN Board Meeting (virtual)
June 4, 2024
8:00 PM
Attendance: Bonnie Courtemanche, Sharon Dennehy, Pam Chatis, Rachel Minnie, Suzanne Trayhan, Rich Whelan, Nikki LaRoche
- New Board Member Orientation
- Action: Suzanne to send us all the Standard of conduct for annual certification
- Action: Rachel, Suzanne and Nikki to get together to determine how to handle WIX receipts, currently going to info mailbox
- 2024-2025 Board Calendar Agreed
- August 27th at 7pm
- November 19th 7pm
- February 25th at 7pm
- May 20th at 7pm
- Clinic Build Update
- Scheduled an open house June 15th where people can come and tour, meet employees and understand the plans for the clinic build
- 2 weeks to move items into containers before construction begins
- We may have a parking challenge for our employees and construction workers because of the limited space; plan to talk with neighboring businesses
- Reminder for all board members to make a fundraising team for the capital campaign
- We should consider telling a cancer prevention bunny story to contribute to fundraiser efforts for the capital campaign
- Board meeting adjourned at 9:03pm