House Rabbit Network
DRAFT Board Meeting Minutes 11/28/2022 8:00PM
In attendance: Suzanne Trayhan, Rachel Minnie, Rich Whelan, Palestina Baronas, Pam Chatis
Guests: Suellen Champagne
Suzanne Trayhan proposes one week’s salary for Julie Langhill for end of year bonus. Bonus was approved.
Minutes review: One correction proposed. Approved with editorial change.
Quarterly report reviewed:
Suzanne Trayhan would like to write up a job description for the part time shelter position before hiring.
Suellen Champagne reviewed profit/loss statement and financials from January-October 2022 with Board. HRN will need another review. Suellen suggested we have bills automatically paid through our checking account which Suzanne will set up for basic utilities, etc.
Rachel Minnie will send out emails for Giving Tuesday fundraiser and discussed possibility of chance drawing or sweepstakes for donations on a specific day of the week. Palestina Baronas brought up quantifying monthly donations to help people connect with the cause. Suellen Champagne brought up concerns regarding memberships not being equal to monthly donors in terms of feeling special.
Bunsitting pricing has been simplified to $25 a day per set up. Rachel Minnie has been working on getting everything online to automate the process for contracts, etc. for bunsitting as well.
Palestina Baronas moved to adjourn the meeting, Suzanne Trayhan seconded, Vote was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 9:40pm.
Respectfully submitted- Palestina Baronas 11/28/2020