Quarterly Report April 2020

Shelter is currently closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We need to evaluate the feasability of paying rent for it.

We put into place a COVID-19 policy with virtual meet and greets and contactless hand off. Adoptions are going strong. 176 as of April 24th. We are struggling to get rabbits fixed.

Yoga, Spa Day, Cuddle Baby Bunny events cancelled.
Online virtual cuddles is bringing in some money.
Online Auction brought in $1935 plus some extra donations.
Bunny T Shirts- tie dyed bunnies! HRN will get $10 from each shirt.
Facebook fundraiser brought in $5115 plus $2000 match
They are doing an extra “Giving Tuesday” for May 5th.
Jenna did a GoFundMe for Bugsy which has brought in $2496 plus $100 paypal and 2 other donations being mailed in.
We will be auctioning off naming rights to baby buns. Starting with Lizzo’s litter.

We are training 2 new volunteers. Volunteers are overwhelmed with calls, 3 would like to leave. We will be looking for more volunteers to help. Lesley and Suzanne are discussing new procedures to streamline.

ASM / Data Management.
We need to look into a data management system. Either stay with ASM but move to a VPS, switch to Pet Portal or ShelterLuv. A lot of positive responses for ShelterLuv but it would cost $1500-$2000/year.

Give Box / Donor Management
Abbey has created a GiveBox account for HRN and will look into populating it so we can start using it. Suzanne will be working on the data for an appeal letter.

Foster Homes
Huge influx of people offering to foster rabbits. We’ve been struggling to keep up. We are up to about 75 foster homes which is difficult to manage.

MAC is not doing grants this year. They plan on revamping how they distribute money and will come out with a new format next year.
We did get a $2000 grant from Petco.
We should look into Walmart Grants.
EIDL Grant