Quarterly Notes Feb 2020

Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statements for 2019 have been forwarded to the board. Financially we have had our most successful year.
Assets: 375,710k.
Income $148139, Expenses: $69,475 Profit: $79,664

2019 Adoptions 428
2019 Intakes 393 Returns 48
41 adoptions in January, off to a great start!

Valentines Day- we had an online fundraiser where for a donation you could be the valentine of an HRN rabbit. It raised about $600.

Yoga- Had 1 small event in January in Melrose. Two events scheduled for Cromton in Worcester (Feb 6 and May 7). Nothing else currently scheduled – we need someone to step up and run these for us.

Next online auction scheduled for Feb 19-26. We have plenty of donations. The wordpress plugin is working so the plan is to run it on our website this year.

Spa Day scheduled for April 26th. Dawn is on track setting things up.

20th Anniversary party is behind schedule. American Legion hall has been booked for Apr 4th. Suzanne will start working on this week.

With Razzle’s litter we should schedule Bunny Cuddle Events.

Facebook fundraisers-
Signed HRN to receive donations directly from Facebook. Hoping this will provide better clarity on donors. We can now see the fundraisers that are happening and will supposedly receive funds faster.
Planning on a facebook fundraiser maybe early March since we have had several rabbits require dental work.
We have done really well with our facebook fundraisers this year. We have done 4 of them, spaced throughout the year. They have brought in Holden $4280, Blackberry $3000, Babies $3550, Giving Tuesday $5170. Total $16,000 We also received other donations through paypal, so the giving Tuesday fundraiser is actually higher. It can be difficult to track exactly which ones are from Giving Tuesday.

We have used all our funds from the MAC grant. Will apply for the grant again this year.
Did not win the PetCo Holiday wishes or PetCo Rescue Grant

No major changes at the shelter.

Record Keeping
Sara is taking over entering the adoption contracts.

Donation Management
Abby has been working on setting things up in a CRM. Hoping to start a membership campaign this spring. Things are going slower than we would have hoped for.

We could use a marketing manager to oversee our accounts and make sure needed posts are being done.