Quarterly Report January 2021
SEC report filed
Draft 2020 Balance sheet and P&L statements have been emailed to board members. Despite the demands of 2020 we ended up approximately $66k in the black.
Year end total: 671 adoptions! Blowing away last year’s total of 430
Many fundraisers are still on hold.
Flatbread scheduled for June 15
Giving Tuesday was fairly successful. We raised $8200 (a new high) on facebook and received a few hundred other donations via paypal. We should start another facebook fundraiser soon.
Calendar sales Sold out early! Even put in an extra order for another 25 calendars which immediately sold out. (early December- a total of 225 calendars) Next year will need to purchase more. Suggesting 250.
Bingo- raised $3,023
Decals- At least 13 orders never filled (that we know of could potentially be more). Suzanne contacted the last batch of orders, most people were very understanding, told us to keep the money anyway. 4 orders refunded.
Development Committee Update:
Scavenger Hunt raised $1,110. Good feedback, everyone seemed to enjoy this but some people signed up and didn’t end up taking part.
Holiday Hop-Up Shop was successful- issues arose with Suzanne taking pics and entering items for sale, communicating with people, mailing items, being a central pick-up point. Development Committee is addressing this going forward. Event raised $3,229.
Sarah and Arielle are working on the Ebay store.
Holiday ornaments- next year we’ll want to offer this in more time to maximize orders.
Spa Day- 1/16 sold out (raised $700). Devine was on hold but will update with new date. We have plenty of people who want to do these regularly. Next one is 2/13. We already have a waiting list. We want to offer these ideally every 6-8 weeks and look to expand locations- form Spa Day team.
Fall Spa Day totals from Devine: $829. Shelter: $2,080.
January meeting discussed membership updates- new site
Upcoming events/fundraisers:
Badly-Drawn Pets fundraiser (will finalize exact dates at our next meeting 2/2)
February downloadable coloring pages and valentines
March/April- “A Plush is Enough”
April/May- 2nd Bingo event
Development Committee still researching/planning possible trivia, online tastings
Next meeting 2/2/21 at 8pm
Submitted a second HRN grant for the Linden rescue. Received $1000 from HRS.
MAC is offering emergency grants due to covid, with applications due Jan 31. HRN’s has been submitted. Grants will be announced April 2021.
Still no word on how MAC is reformatting their spay/neuter grants going forward or when we would need to apply.
Petco Holiday Wishes – we were not a winner.
Submitted a general PetCo grant
Jenna is working on reopening the shelter.
Donation Management/Outreach
Abbey sent out hard copy letter for our covid appeal and we received some donations.
Foster Homes:
Foster Home Applications have slowed a bit, but still received quite a few. We have streamlined the foster introduction process with a virtual Foster information evening we will hold once a month. We welcomed a few new foster families this past quarter.
The Foster Committee is meeting weekly now. Aly Fairbrother has joined the committee. Intakes are slowing down but were pretty steady this past quarter. The Facebook group has been really helpful for communicating fostering/intake needs and helping to coordinate spay/neuter appointments and transports.
Sterling Animal Shelter is no longer a standing spot for surgeries as the rabbit doctor is now at Dakin Humane in Springfield. Dr. Helton, however, has worked out a surgical discount for us with the current director and we are working on setting up regular surgeries there. We would have the potential for up to 16 buns a week there eventually. Dr. Helton has offered to take buns overnight at her home to help with transport as it is a hike for many foster homes.
Bolton and Littleton are still not offering surgeries, and the doctor at Norwell is now on maternity leave so surgeries are on hold there again as well. Lexington Bedford is also backed up and not offering any spots. We are also working on getting rabbits scheduled at Second Chance in Worcester for surgeries. All Pets, Eastham, and Ipswich are our current vets for spay neuter at this time.
COVID procedures are still in place.
We recently added a new person to the rotation – Sadie McMillan! She started a couple of weeks ago.
The process has changed AGAIN! There was a lot of feedback on how much work was involved. To streamline it we eliminated the hotline report. The current process is as follows:
- The potential adopter applies using the online form. Their answers are automatically added to a spreadsheet and a pdf of the application is emailed to hotline@rn.org.
- Adoption counselor reviews the application and calls the potential adopter back to complete an interview.
- The adoption counselor updates the status of the application on the spreadsheet. Options are – Approved, Not Approved, Withdrew Application, Not Approved, Pending.
- If approved the adoption counselor and potential adopter work together to find the right bun
- Lesley checks the spreadsheet periodically to ensure all applicants are being called. Applications are now valid for 6 months.
The total number of applications remained pretty steady in the second half of the year. The November bump may have been attributed to holiday pets.I still suspect to see a drop in applications when COVID subdues.
Looking at cumulative data by quarters, the numbers are very steady
Spay/Neuter Van
On hold. Likely does not make sense.