Please Enter the Rabbit's Adoption Information Below:

    Foster Home:

    Shelter Adoption Volunteer:

    Rabbit Name(s):

    Adopted By:

    Adoption Date:

    Adopter Home Phone:

    Adopter Cell Phone:

    Adopter Email:

    Adopter Street:

    Adopter City:

    Adopter State:

    Adopter Zipcode:

    Did the adopter want an HRN membership?: YesNo

    Membership Amount (dollars):

    Did the adopter want to receive HRN announcements?: YesNo

    Mark "Bonding Adoption": Yes (NOTE: check this box if the rabbit is being bonded)

    Bonding Complete: Yes (Previous Bonding Adoption)

    Did the rabbit go home?: YesNo

    Please enter date rabbit is going (or went) home: (It can be "today", "next weekend" or an actual date)


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