To Do List
Please comment if you are working on.

Highest Priority

* Getting Auction plugin working.
(Suzanne playing with but can use help)

General List
No particular order or priority

* Adding scheduling plugin to replace use of google calendar so volunteers can sign up for their own shifts.

* Get BOM to work off of database. The DB tables have already been created and there is a php snippet. (snippet=27) CSS needs work.

* Fix Events page. The older events need the new block formatting.

* Create an event listing (by date or calendar) that we can hopefully show on the bottom of the home page

* Fix displaying html. ASM – the notes fields for the bunnies, we embed html. It is now displaying the html instead.

* MySql- Need 2 queries for foster homes. 1 query should show only homes with a rabbit available for adoption. (foster home + current foster movement + at least 1 bun available for adoption) and a second query would show anyone that is listed as a foster home. The “any foster home” should be a new page The query for foster homes with available rabbits should be

* Fix tabber- in the bun lists, this used to be tabs but the tabs no longer work and instead display one under each other.

* Change “returns” section to be a grid instead of just 1 column wide.

* get minutes online

* get newsletter articles online